Taman Rimba Kiara is a little green gem located in a corner of the TTDI residential area. The above flowering tree, the firmiana malayana or mata lembu, flashes in testimony to man's care-less-ness - it's one of only two trees in the park that had flowered, since then the tree had been chopped down.

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Still tagging along

Did it look like the Common Flameback Woodpecker parents couldn't seem to shake off its young male despite maturity?

Was this a telling off?

And the young a-scrambling off?

Presumably the female parent that was nonchalant, happily foraging close by, and alone.


Tuesday 15 October 2024

Flycatcher pair

It has been uncommon sightings of two together so far, and no difference for these two female Yellow-rumped Flycatchers (Ficedula zanthopygia). And as before, one an adult, the other sub-adult.

Refresher (extract mybis):
Order - Passeriformes
Family - Muscicapidae
Genius - Ficedula
Specific epithet - zanthopygia, (Hay, 1845)
Common name: Korean Flycatcher, Sambar Belakang Kuning, Sambar Pinggul Kuning, Sambar Tongkang Kuning, Sambar Tongkeng Kuning, Yellow-rumped Flycatcher
Status: Least Concern


This appeared to be the younger one and it tended to stay in the background whilst the other was more active foraging back and forth albeit kept to upper canopy.

The more active, and older adult.

As it remained mainly high up, it was mostly belly view images.

Saturday 12 October 2024

'Shrike' two

It's possibly a parent and a sub-adult as these two came together and left together.

It's certainly uncommon to see two Brown Shrikes (Lanius cristatus) together, and at such close proximity.  In fact the adult looked like it was calling before the sub-adult suddenly appeared.

Refresher (extract mybis):
Order - Passeriformes
Family - Lanidae
Genius - Lanius
Specific epithet - cristatus, Linnaeus, 1758
Common name: Brown shrike, Brown-shrike, Tirjup Belukar, Tirjup Coklat, Tirjup Tanah
Status: Least Concern


A first  winter bird.

The other beauty


Thanks for your presence!

Thursday 10 October 2024


The joy and vexation of photographing long-tailed birds, and such a welcome sight was this Green-billed Malkoha (Phaenicophaeus tritis) and its exquisitely long tail, and such was frustration too that normally came with it!

Malkohas are large birds in the cuckoo family Cuculidae. The group name is derived from the Sinhala word for the red-faced malkoha; mal-koha meaning flower-cuckoo.
extract Wikipedia


Tuesday 8 October 2024

'So' common flycatcher

 A tale of two Asian Brown Flycatchers (Muscicapa dauurica), at different parts of the taman.  And as always only one will normally spend its entire time here before it decides to fly home.  Why not both?

Over the years I've yet to see more than one in the taman.

Refresher (extract mybis):
Order - Passeriformes
Family - Muscicapidae
Genius - Muscicapa
Specific epithet - dauurica Pallas, 1811
Common name: Asian Brown Flycatcher, Brown Flycatcher, Sambar Asia, Sambar Coklat Asia, Sambar Dusun
Status: Least Concern


Sunday 6 October 2024

Pigeon hide-and-seek

You can flee but you can't hide.

It was almost hilarious when the pair of Pink-necked Green Pigeons thought they got the better of me, and peeped from behind the branch.

But this time patience was not their virtue as the male decided it's simply delusional (if birds could reason)!?

So no need to be evasive after all.

The other beauty


Thanks for the presence!