Taman Rimba Kiara is a little green gem located in a corner of the TTDI residential area. The above flowering tree, the firmiana malayana or mata lembu, flashes in testimony to man's care-less-ness - it's one of only two trees in the park that had flowered, since then the tree had been chopped down.

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Sharp-eyed ones

And I thought that I was well hidden, seated behind a tree but each time I aimed my camera at the birds that flew in, within my shooting range, their razor sharp eyes managed to seek me out!
The Stripe-throated Bulbul was on the ground yet it could sense that it was watched.

These Zebra Doves just flew in to perch in the shade yet one of them still managed to spot me almost immediately.

This Yellow-vented Bulbul was the furthest away, still it also managed to zero in on me on the ground.

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