Taman Rimba Kiara is a little green gem located in a corner of the TTDI residential area. The above flowering tree, the firmiana malayana or mata lembu, flashes in testimony to man's care-less-ness - it's one of only two trees in the park that had flowered, since then the tree had been chopped down.

Friday 3 June 2022

Perhaps a resident bee-eater

Is it an early arrival to the taman? Or one that has yet to leave?

And a loner too.

I would take it that this Blue-throated Bee-eater is a resident of Bukit Kiara, but visits the taman from time to time.

These bee-eaters can be seen year round in the bukit so the odds are this must be of a generation that decide to stay here, or are they similar to the raptors that miss a season home so spend the entire year here by virtue of their tender age which does not enable them to fly the distance home?


Going by previous records, since both the migrant blue-throated and blue-tailed bee-eaters will only start arriving in the taman and bukit in September, I suppose I could safely conclude that this blue-throated is indeed a resident.  
Furthermore it has been generally reported that the migrant blue-throated bee-eaters that breed here are a communal flock so I shouldn't be seeing only one loner bee-eater here, which makes me digress as follows:

Elsewhere, I managed to stumble into a flock of these blue-throated bee-eaters trying to nest in late April, and it's a flock that has dotted its nests over a small area of sandy ground.
As for this flock unfortunately this nesting area was abandoned due to the over-enthusiasm of workers who marked off this area, perhaps thinking to protect the birds but in reality must have frightened off these birds with the sound and vibration of planting poles close to these holes.
Eventually I managed to locate the birds again, that have wisely built new nests in an area off-limit to the public.

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