Taman Rimba Kiara is a little green gem located in a corner of the TTDI residential area. The above flowering tree, the firmiana malayana or mata lembu, flashes in testimony to man's care-less-ness - it's one of only two trees in the park that had flowered, since then the tree had been chopped down.

Friday 2 November 2018

Amur, my amore

The highlight of the morning was undoubtedly sighting the Amur Paradise Flycatcher, but the dismay was definitely how it kept high about the upper canopy, moving continuously and a pretty bright sunny morning, which made photography extremely challenging.  It did sally down but was too swift going after insects for me to capture any shots.
One initial shot was its 'fan-tail'.

Then I was pleasantly surprised that I managed one shot of it with an insect.

Moments of it stationary were far and rare.  However, it did keep me busy for the next hour trying to get the next best shot, unfortunately to no avail.

As I walked off towards a fruiting tree, lured by the loud and continuous calls of the asian glossy starlings, so incredibly noisy that the entire tree seemed to resonate with the sound, I was taken aback by glimpses of a busy Amur foraging among the starlings.
Perhaps one will be seeing more of this bird if it looked as happy as it was this morning.

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