Taman Rimba Kiara is a little green gem located in a corner of the TTDI residential area. The above flowering tree, the firmiana malayana or mata lembu, flashes in testimony to man's care-less-ness - it's one of only two trees in the park that had flowered, since then the tree had been chopped down.

Sunday 13 January 2019

A Goshawk and its catch

Just when I thought there wouldn't be any more to keep me going in the taman, I was lured by the persistent call of this Crested Goshawk, which I was ready to dismiss as perhaps a frivolous one until something struck me.

The bird actually had a catch under its claw, and it turned out to be a squirrel prey!  I must say that this was the first time I've seen a squirrel fallen prey to any raptor in the taman.

And when there was no response to its calls, it simply flew off to a neighbouring tree and started to feast.

And as suddenly this big one appeared, a female adult.

It then looked like there's some squabbling going on, but hold on, didn't it look like the smaller bird, which looked like a young male, was actually calling out earlier for this one to come over?  Perhaps, the young male was calling out for its mother?

Eventually it looked like the smaller one had to surrender its catch as it flew off.

Looking happy with its seizure, after bullying the younger one!?

It still managed to notice my presence.

But not long enough to be bothered, as it couldn't wait to tuck in.

And this was where the smaller one retreated to, further down the same branch.

To reappear but not bold enough to approach the bigger one, and it eventually flew off.

Perhaps it was my presence as this one too eventually flew off to a neighbouring tree.

The prey was still firmly in its grasp, and it remained in the same spot even as I returned to check it out much later.

Shortly after this drama, I was to run into another pair of winged ones displaying another unique 'sharing' of meal (for the next posting).

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