Taman Rimba Kiara is a little green gem located in a corner of the TTDI residential area. The above flowering tree, the firmiana malayana or mata lembu, flashes in testimony to man's care-less-ness - it's one of only two trees in the park that had flowered, since then the tree had been chopped down.

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Nesting Bulbul, Part 4

The growing chicks whilst waiting for the adults to return with catch.  As soon as these chicks sensed the adults close by, their chirping intensified until they were feed.  The adults were always cautious, flew in, perched close by, with catch in bill, scanned the area, then only would they fly to the nest.

13 June

And then the day came when first, one fledged, clinging for dear life to the first tree that it flew to.

15 Jun

It's so refreshing to see its new feathers and innocent look, almost bewildering as it experienced its first flight out into the real world.

Mama or Papa was always close by, even as this immature seemed fearful to move from the first spot that it had flew to.

However, its sibling seemed afraid to fledge.  In fact when I spotted it, I thought it had died as it was hanging upside down on the plant.  As I tried to reach for it, it suddenly flew up.

Then the adult arrived with a fruit, and it looked like the adult was trying to lure it away from its nest, encouraging it to fly.

When the attempt failed, the adult had to give in and feed it.

Will it fledge or will it not?  Looking timid, but cute nevertheless.

Yes, it did, finally, hooray!
And both had since stayed away from the nest, despite the rain that came later in the day.  So, the chicks actually fledged after about 40 days.

The first or perhaps the older one soon was brave enough to hop about the tree, and perched around, although it kept within a very small radius of movement.

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