Taman Rimba Kiara is a little green gem located in a corner of the TTDI residential area. The above flowering tree, the firmiana malayana or mata lembu, flashes in testimony to man's care-less-ness - it's one of only two trees in the park that had flowered, since then the tree had been chopped down.

Tuesday 30 October 2018

The Goshawk and the squirrel

Just when I thought the taman is relatively quiet because nightly release of fire crackers, celebrating the forthcoming festival, in the adjacent vicinity must have frightened off the taman birds (and I think it did because all migrants seen before are no longer sighted except for the brown shrikes), I came across this dramatic encounter, between the taman residents.
This female Crested Goshawk seemed unusually agitated and I knew there was a Plaintain Squirrel close by because of the squirrel's continuous clicking calls.  Immediately I thought that the squirrel was in danger.

The Goshawk flew from branch to branch to seek out the squirrel.

And there was the vulnerable squirrel, I thought.

And then the Goshawk tried to pounce on the squirrel.

But this thick parasitic growth was safe hideout for the squirrel.  And the squirrel continued to call out, which I thought was in fear.

But I was proved wrong!  It looked like the squirrel was actually taunting the Goshawk!
Hoping that the squirrel would make an appearance, which it did before it scampered off to hide again!

Then it looked like the Goshawk had given up and decided to take a breather.
So the bigger and fittest need not mean the more powerful.  Going after the squirrel was hardly easy, and survival is indeed tough even for a raptor like the Goshawk.

And then the smaller creature made another daring move, coming down again to taunt the Goshawk!

Tease and scamper, tease and scamper, until the Goshawk couldn't take it any more as it tried once again to spring for the squirrel.  Unfortunately both disappeared further up the tree as the Goshawk flew upwards at it, one last attempt I guess, and away, with the squirrel re-appearing and scurrying up as if after the Goshawk!

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