Taman Rimba Kiara is a little green gem located in a corner of the TTDI residential area. The above flowering tree, the firmiana malayana or mata lembu, flashes in testimony to man's care-less-ness - it's one of only two trees in the park that had flowered, since then the tree had been chopped down.

Friday 12 March 2021

And it's a cuckoo

 The Malaysian Hawk-Cuckoo (Hierococcyx fugax) is a local bird that favours forested or wooded areas so I guess this bird must be on transit in the taman. 

The first time I saw a MHC here was way back in 2017.

As migrant birds are still around I had thought that it could be, just perhaps, the other sub-species, the Hodgson's Hawk-Cuckoo.

The bird was rather skittish and I failed to get a front view.

**It has subsequently been pointed out that it's a  juvenile Hodgson's by virtue of its small white patch on the nape of the neck and the penultimate narrow tail band.

And off it went deeper into the trees when someone passing shouted out a greeting, literally startling both human and avian!

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