Taman Rimba Kiara is a little green gem located in a corner of the TTDI residential area. The above flowering tree, the firmiana malayana or mata lembu, flashes in testimony to man's care-less-ness - it's one of only two trees in the park that had flowered, since then the tree had been chopped down.

Tuesday 9 March 2021

Looks like dominant woodpeckers now

 It felt good when I saw this pair of Crimson-winged Woodpeckers back in the taman, and was pretty certain it was the recent parents that had bred here before, just October last year.

And then a couple of days later, these two were seen attempting to build a new home and it was finally confirmed when they successfully dug out a cavity.  

Again it was in an unlikely place, a rotten fallen branch that could be removed for clearance at any time.  Also, this hole is below eye level as well which is similar to its first nest, the only consolation is that it's not so exposed, practically hidden as it faces away from public scrutiny.

However the irony is that the woodpeckers themselves are announcing to one and all their chosen site by returning frequently to refine their home, and lingering about fearlessly allowing curious onlookers to approach close to them for mobile phone shots!  That's how fearless this pair is now!  The only caution shown is when the male will be on the look-out on one side of the trunk when the female is hard at work refining their home.

Could we say that this pair are clever to have chosen an easy site to host its nest because the inner soft pulp is simply effortless to dig into, or they are rather lazy taking the swifter way out choosing this wood albeit in a vulnerable site of a fallen trunk?  Also they display over-confidence in exposure to human scrutiny thereby could attract unwarranted disturbance from over-enthusiastic onlookers. 

The nest site was also a hard-earned one as a fellow birder had captured in camera how the pair had fought off earlier a laced woodpecker (a bird in passing, spotted once before in the taman a couple of years ago) that looked like it was eyeing the spot too, probably for foraging purpose in view that an urban park is not a laced woodpecker's common habitat.

Nevertheless the antics of this pair never fails to entertain.

The male coming to check out the female that was either foraging or even checking out a new site.

Did she look annoyed with him?

Wished I knew what she was feeling, when she had her crest down like this.

Perhaps she was and he scrambled.

And then he's back again, and was given the rebuff.

Has he been told off again?

Perhaps he was, because this time he did take off.

Truly looking forward to more of such exchange if the pair is successful with their nest building endeavour and continue to forage here.

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