Taman Rimba Kiara is a little green gem located in a corner of the TTDI residential area. The above flowering tree, the firmiana malayana or mata lembu, flashes in testimony to man's care-less-ness - it's one of only two trees in the park that had flowered, since then the tree had been chopped down.

Wednesday 17 March 2021

No match at all

 There were thrashings and squealing and bird cries.

From afar it looked like the Monitor Lizard had just caught its meal, a big bird?  It was shocking as I've only seen one catching fish so far, and nothing else.

It was a poor Tree Shrew.  And unfortunately it was not an instant kill as the shrew was still squealing as it was being thrashed around.

The Shrew seemed to fight back by biting at it.

Looked like the attempt to retaliate did not last long.

A last shot to survive?

Slowly succumbing to the bigger and stronger.

Unfortunately the cries of the Shrew could still be heard as it was dragged into the undergrowth, and continued in the undergrowth for seconds before the only sound heard was heavy movements across the dry ground.

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