Taman Rimba Kiara is a little green gem located in a corner of the TTDI residential area. The above flowering tree, the firmiana malayana or mata lembu, flashes in testimony to man's care-less-ness - it's one of only two trees in the park that had flowered, since then the tree had been chopped down.

Tuesday 9 April 2019

Not too late for Barbet

I guess it's better late than never, and although I was weeks too late in this case, I was thankful that I still managed to observe the juvy Coppersmith Barbet before it fledged.
An open perch and call were what first drew me towards the adult, and to my delight, tiny persistent calls close by revealed a little head sticking out of a hole.

And then the adult flew in to feed, how delightful!

The juvy did behave rather demandingly the entire time.

When the parent flew off , the juvy was seen to wait most impatiently for the parent, with its head out most of the time.


When the parent went into the nesting hole and came out with waste, I had thought that the feeding scene would certainly be enacted for some time to come.  After all, the feeding was rather regular so the juvy must be rather young.

There was a time though when the adult seemed to lure the juvy out with food, but with no luck.

The very next day after an extremely heavy shower the whole afternoon, I hurried  over and was pretty dismayed not to trace the juvy, and thought of the worse.  To my surprise it was out, looking wet and alone, the adults nowhere in sight.

However I thought all was well, until the next day when the only head that emerged from the nesting hole was that of the adult.  Despite waiting the entire morning, the juvy was nowhere to be seen, no longer seen.  I could only hope for the best for the young one!

It was left to the adult to hang around the hole.

And so the last glimpse of the adult was a lone figure with a faraway look, perhaps missing its young?

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