Taman Rimba Kiara is a little green gem located in a corner of the TTDI residential area. The above flowering tree, the firmiana malayana or mata lembu, flashes in testimony to man's care-less-ness - it's one of only two trees in the park that had flowered, since then the tree had been chopped down.

Tuesday 25 December 2018

Incredulous Waterhen encounter

I should be embarrassed about this set of blurry images yet I'm never more proud to have them.  Taken in the worst of conditions, disadvantaged distance to say the least, behind a tree and fading light that turned into dusk, in the face of an incredible scene.
First, I turned around in time to see this little chick running away from where I was, obviously sensing my presence as it waded swiftly away too.

And then a glimpse of this one in tow confirmed that I had just sighted a White-breasted Waterhen chick!  Couldn't believe my luck, two days in a row, adults, sub-adults and a chick ... or so I thought!

Ahh, I counted myself lucky again as I managed to sight it again.  So very difficult, when the little chick is all blurry black and way back behind the grassy mound.

Another lucky sighting as both parents appeared, truly amazing because it's the first time I sighted a pair of parents together.

And then, I thought, could it be?!  Two chicks!

Couldn't get enough of the chick, cute and furry notwithstanding it's totally black.

As I continued to scan and click, and then a quick glance at my camera playback, and it's bingo, five chicks!

Wow, confirmed five!  And talked about a healthy population.

Still couldn't get enough of these chicks whilst still grappling with focus.

Not easy to sight as the chicks kept to the background even as the parents foraged in the open.

And finally patience paid off, as the chicks slowly appeared in the open following the parents towards the pond.

Looked like uncertainty here as some of the chicks decided to head back up with one parent.

But then again, it looked like otherwise.  By now, I was simply clicking away and hoping that I hit targets as light was fading fast.

It looked like the parents were leading the chicks to a spot that would be easier for them to wade across.

Incredible, but I was actually spotted by one parent.

It looked like the clever parents were guiding the chicks to the shortest distance between the opposite sides of the pond for the chicks to cross over.  And finally, the chicks hit the water and swam across.

And yup, all safely across!

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