Taman Rimba Kiara is a little green gem located in a corner of the TTDI residential area. The above flowering tree, the firmiana malayana or mata lembu, flashes in testimony to man's care-less-ness - it's one of only two trees in the park that had flowered, since then the tree had been chopped down.

Saturday 6 July 2019

The cuckoo has an itch

The Little Bronze Cuckoo is the smallest cuckoo at about 16cm.  Its distinct feature would be its greenish bronze feathers for which it's evidently named.  The other features being its red eye ring and black barrings.

This bird tends to keep to the top of a tree.  Fortunately, this time was the closest ever that I got to it, and was duly entertained as it did what came naturally, scratching as it itched!

Scratch, and scratch again.


Moving to another perch, scratch again!

Chasing it across the road, this time it was a challenge to shoot as it went even higher up, its back to me.  Nevertheless it was an opportunity to try and get better views of its gorgeous metallic bronze feathers.

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